There’s a certain pleasure to be derived from parading your prized vintage car around town. It’s all worth it when you turn heads with your sweet ride. Chances are, if you have owned the same car since 1968, you already know a great deal about maintaining it to last. but if you just recently got lucky, you may not know some of these auto service tips that will help you keep your newest acquisition in mint condition.

While most auto service tips are the same as for newer cars, such as keeping fluids up to date and checking tire pressure, there are a few things to consider with a vintage car you may not experience to the same extent in a modern car.


The older your vehicle gets, the more likely you are to encounter rust. Even the smallest paint chips, dings or dents can lead to those unsightly sores. Rust isn’t just limited to the body of the car either. Your engine, suspension, and even some interior parts are subject to it. Once rust gets a hold of your vehicle it’s difficult to eradicate. Keep some touch-up paint on hand and make a paint chip inspection part of your routine auto service. Likewise, repair any body damage in a timely manner, before rust can get a foothold.

Road dirt can contain abrasive particles that basically scour the underside of your vehicle. Washing the undercarriage often can help prevent some of the long-term wear and tear caused by dust and debris. This is especially true during the winter months when the roads may be treated with salt and gravel.


Sun damage and heat are perhaps even more dangerous to your vintage car than road grime. Over time, sunlight will take its toll on your paint job, but also dry and crack weather stripping and your interior. Dry heat can destroy your tires and high humidity can rot away essential rubber parts in a very short amount of time. Checking for dry rot and cracks should be part of your regular auto service routine.

Even if you avoid extremes in temperature and despite regular auto service, parts deteriorate over time. If you are planning on storing your vintage car for any length of time, make sure to preserve it well. Replace fluids and coat rubber and plastic parts with silicone to prevent dry rot. A full auto service is recommended when you take your vintage car out of storage to make sure there is no damage to tires, hoses or any other vulnerable parts.

With regularly scheduled maintenance from a professional auto service provider, your vintage car can continue to hum for decades to come.

FAQ Section for “Vintage Car Maintenance”

1. How do I prevent rust on my vintage car?

Rust prevention is crucial for keeping your vintage car in pristine condition. Regularly wash and wax your car to protect the paint, and immediately address any paint chips or scratches. Also, wash the undercarriage often to remove road salt and debris, which can accelerate rust formation. Regular inspections and touch-ups can significantly prolong your car’s life.

2. What are the best ways to protect a vintage car from sun damage?

To shield your vintage car from sun damage, park it in shaded areas or use a car cover. UV rays can fade paint and crack interior components. Applying UV protectant to the dashboard and using window shades can also help. Regularly check for signs of sun damage and address them promptly to maintain your car’s aesthetics and value.

3. How often should I inspect my vintage car for dry rot?

Inspect your vintage car for dry rot every three months, especially in rubber components like tires, hoses, and weather stripping. Dry rot can cause cracking and deterioration, leading to safety hazards. Applying silicone-based protectants can help prevent dry rot and extend the life of these parts.

4. What are the essential fluids to check in a vintage car?

Essential fluids to check in a vintage car include engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, transmission fluid, and power steering fluid. Keeping these fluids at optimal levels ensures your car runs smoothly and prevents mechanical issues. Regularly check and replace fluids according to your car’s maintenance schedule for the best performance.

5. How should I store my vintage car to avoid damage?

When storing your vintage car, ensure it’s clean, dry, and covered. Replace fluids, inflate tires, and disconnect the battery to prevent discharge. Use a car cover that breathes to avoid trapping moisture. Regularly start the car and move it to prevent flat spots on tires and keep the engine in good condition.

6. Why is it important to wash the undercarriage of a vintage car?

Washing the undercarriage of a vintage car removes dirt, salt, and debris that can cause rust and corrosion. This is especially important during winter months when roads are treated with salt. Regular undercarriage cleaning helps maintain the car’s structural integrity and prolongs its lifespan.

7. How can I maintain the weather stripping on my vintage car?

Maintain the weather stripping on your vintage car by cleaning it regularly and applying a silicone-based protectant. This prevents cracking and drying out. Replace any damaged weather stripping immediately to avoid water leaks and further damage to your car’s interior.

8. What is the best way to prevent paint fading on a vintage car?

To prevent paint fading on a vintage car, park it in shaded areas or use a car cover. Regularly wash and wax your car to protect the paint from UV rays. Using a quality car wax with UV protection can help maintain the paint’s vibrancy and shine.

9. How do I ensure the engine of my vintage car stays in good condition?

To keep your vintage car’s engine in good condition, follow a regular maintenance schedule that includes oil changes, fluid checks, and tune-ups. Use high-quality oil and fuel, and avoid prolonged periods of inactivity. Regular driving helps keep the engine components lubricated and in good working order.

10. Why is professional auto service crucial for vintage cars?

Professional auto service is crucial for vintage cars because experienced technicians can spot potential issues early and provide expert care. They have the right tools and knowledge to handle delicate parts and ensure your car runs smoothly. Regular professional maintenance helps preserve the car’s value and reliability.