Autumn brings a unique set of challenges for drivers, from slippery leaves scattered across the roads to increased wildlife activity and reduced daylight hours. These factors require drivers to adjust their habits to ensure safety on the road. This blog will cover essential tips to navigate these autumn-specific driving hazards, including advice on tire maintenance and visibility.

Understanding autumn road conditions

Fall is a season of change, not just in nature but on the roads as well. Leaves that fall and accumulate on the roads can become wet and slippery, making driving conditions similar to driving on ice. Additionally, fall is a time when deer and other wildlife are more active, especially during dawn and dusk, which coincides with commuting hours more often due to the shorter days.

Tips for driving on wet leaves

Reduce speed

When driving on roads covered with leaves, especially when they are wet, reduce your speed to decrease the risk of skidding. Leaves can obscure traffic lines and other pavement markings, so drive cautiously.

Avoid sudden maneuvers

Perform any steering, braking, or accelerating actions gradually when you’re driving on leaves. Sudden moves can cause the tires to slip and lose traction.

Increase following distance

Keep a greater distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. Stopping distances can increase on slippery surfaces, and having extra space will allow you more time to react.

Navigating increased deer activity

Be vigilant at dawn and dusk

Deer are most active during the early morning and late evening, which are also times when visibility is lower. Keep an eye out for deer crossing signs and be extra cautious in these areas.

Use high beams when appropriate

When there is no oncoming traffic, use high beams to increase your visibility. This can help you spot deer and other wildlife from greater distances.

Know how to react

If you see a deer in your path, brake firmly and calmly, and stay in your lane. Swerving can cause you to lose control of your vehicle and turn a manageable encounter into a far more serious accident.

Checking tire safety

Maintain proper inflation

Regularly check your tire pressure. Tires tend to lose pressure as temperatures drop, so it’s important to check them at least once a month. Properly inflated tires ensure the best possible traction and handling.

Check tread depth

Tires with adequate tread depth are crucial for safe driving on wet and slippery roads. Check your tires for wear and replace them if the tread depth is below 4/32 of an inch. A simple way to check tread depth is using the penny test—insert a penny into the tread with Lincoln’s head upside down. If you can see all of Lincoln’s head, it’s time to replace the tire.

Enhancing visibility

Keep windows clear

Use your defroster to keep the windshield clear of moisture. Ensure your windshield wipers are in good condition and replace them if they do not clear the glass in a single swipe without streaking.

Clean exterior lights

Regularly clean your car’s headlights, taillights, and signal lights. Dirty lights can significantly reduce visibility in the early evening and morning hours, which are more common in the fall.

Adjust your driving times

If possible, adjust your schedule to avoid driving during times when visibility is most compromised, such as dusk and dawn.


Fall driving can be challenging, but with the right precautions, you can enjoy the beauty of the season safely. Always adjust your driving according to the road conditions, keep your vehicle well-maintained, and stay alert for wildlife. By following these tips, you can help ensure a safe and pleasant driving experience throughout the autumn months.

At All Around Auto Repair, we’re committed to helping you stay safe on the road. Visit us for your vehicle’s maintenance needs to prepare for the fall and ensure your car is in optimal condition.

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Drive safely and enjoy the season!