When you stop to think about it, your vehicle is as much powered by electricity as an internal combustion engine. Your vehicle’s electrical system consists mainly of your battery, the alternator, and the starter. When vehicle electrical issues arise due to these corroding components its best to seek professional advice.
Current Draw, Corrosion, Worn Starter…Only an Electrical Analysis Can Tell for Sure
So, how does it work? The battery essentially gives your car the juice to get things moving, and the alternator provides the battery energy to power your ride while you’re driving. The starter rotates, or cranks, the internal combustion engine and is kind of the unsung hero in all this.
Long story short, if something goes wrong with one of these parts, you won’t be moving for long or you’ll have problems getting started in the first place.
The good news is that you can take your vehicle in to All Around Auto Repair right now and get an electrical test to clue you in to current draw or other potential vehicle electrical issues with your electrical system (e.g., corrosion issues).
Sometimes you know that you have a problem because your vehicle won’t start, but without a mechanic near me you won’t know exactly what the problem is or how to fix it.
A mechanic near me can follow the electrical problem to its source and finally tell you whether one of the three main components listed above (battery, alternator, or starter) are to blame or something else is behind the problem.
Loose wiring or corrosion at different junctures in your electrical system could cause issues downstream (e.g., malfunctioning headlights).
The ASA-certified mechanics at All Around Auto Repair can provide a full electrical analysis. If you don’t have a voltmeter on hand, which most people don’t, and know how to dissect parts of the dash and/or check under the hood to use the thing, then you need to take your vehicle in to a professional for an electrical analysis.
Out of Juice? Battery Problems are Very Common
Recurring issues with your vehicle’s electrical system could indicate that your battery needs to be replaced. Most car batteries need to be replaced approximately every three to five years, but that number can vary based on your driving habits, how long the battery can hold a charge, and how many times your particular battery is capable of being recharged.
One sign that your battery is on the way out is having to wait a few seconds for the battery to provide juice to the starter.
When there’s a slight wait, what’s actually happening is your vehicle’s engine is taking a while to turn over and get everything in gear, so to speak. A slow start is a good indication that something is awry with the battery.
A failing battery will usually be accompanied by a check engine light, but at that point the engine is probably on its last legs.
An electrical analysis at All Around Auto Repair can easily spot a failing engine. A trained mechanic near me can also quickly pinpoint an electrical short or battery damage visually, diagnostically with a voltmeter and other tests, or by the rotten eggs smell, believe it or not.
Voltage Issues
Speaking of voltage, that white, chalky substance that you may notice on your battery’s terminals will undoubtedly be causing voltage problems and trouble starting your vehicle down the road.
If, on the other hand, you can start your vehicle but you can’t run it for long, then your alternator might be to blame.
Your alternator keeps the battery charged while you run your vehicle, so erratic performance while driving (e.g., dim lights) could point to an issue with the alternator.
Let’s Get It Started In Here!
One of the easiest things to understand in your vehicle but one of the more difficult parts of an electrical system to diagnose at home is the starter.
The starter in your vehicle works with the flywheel and crankshaft to initiate the action with your engine’s pistons and really get things cooking. The starter cranks the engine to get your vehicle, and you, in motion.
An electrical analysis at All Around Auto Repair can tell you whether, for instance, the problem is with the current draw, corroded cables, the starter, or another part of your vehicle’s electrical system.
Knowledge is empowering, so find out more and get your electrical system checked by scheduling an appointment with a stellar mechanic near me today.